Internal Windshield Crack: Causes, Fixing, Cost, and Prevention

What causes a windshield to crack on the inside? A windshield can crack on the inside for a variety of reasons, including temperature changes, impact from a flying object, or stress on the glass caused by the vehicle’s frame. A flaw in the manufacturing of the windshield can also cause it to crack in some cases.

A cracked windshield should be inspected and repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of the vehicle’s occupants.

In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about internal windscreen cracks, with all the relevant information you need to know. So stick around until the end to find out what you’ve been looking for. 

What are the types of windscreen cracks? 

Internal Windshield Crack: Causes, Fixing, Cost, and Prevention

Windshield cracks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of characteristics and causes. The following are some examples of common types of windshield cracks:

  • Bull’s-eye: 

This type of crack is distinguished by a circular break in the glass with a clear center, similar to a target’s bull’s-eye. It is usually caused by a small, round object, such as a stone, colliding with the windshield.

  • Star break: 

A star-shaped break in the glass with multiple points radiating out from the center characterizes this type of crack. It is usually caused by a small, pointed object, such as a rock, colliding with the windshield.

  • Combination break: 

A combination break is a bull’s-eye and a star break, with both a circular and a star-shaped break in the glass.

  • Long Crack:

A long crack is a single, long crack that may run the entire length of the windshield. It is usually caused by stress on the glass, such as from the vehicle’s frame, or by a large object striking the windshield.

  • Edge crack: 

This is a crack that begins at the edge of the windshield and is frequently caused by a combination of temperature change and stress on the glass.

To ensure the safety of the vehicle’s occupants, any type of crack in the windshield should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

Why do the internal windshield cracks occur?

Internal Windshield Crack: Causes, Fixing, Cost, and Prevention

As we’ve mentioned earlier, there are a lot of causes for internal windshield cracks, and the following are those causes that you might need to take a look at. 

  • Temperature changes: 

Sudden temperature changes, such as leaving a vehicle in the sun on a hot day and then turning on the air conditioning, can cause the windshield to expand and contract, resulting in cracks.

  • Impact: 

A thrown object or a passenger’s head striking the inside of the windshield can cause a crack to form.

  • Stress: 

Stress on the glass, such as from the vehicle’s frame or from uneven pressure caused by a faulty wiper, can cause it to crack.

  • Manufacturing flaw: 

Internal windshield cracks can occur as a result of a flaw in the manufacturing process, resulting in weaker glass that is more prone to cracking.

  • Age: 

The windshield may weaken and crack over time, especially if it has been exposed to the elements.

Any internal windshield crack should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading and compromising the structural integrity of the windshield.

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How to fix internal windscreen cracks? 

Internal windshield crack repair can be difficult, and it is usually best to hire a professional. The following are some common methods for repairing internal windshield cracks:

Injecting resin

Injecting resin is a common method for repairing small, internal cracks. The crack is filled with a clear resin, which is then cured with UV light. This method effectively seals the crack and keeps it from spreading further.

The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Cleaning: Clean the area around the crack to ensure that the resin will bond properly to the glass.
  2. Injecting the resin: Inject a clear resin into the crack using a specialized tool. The resin is designed to flow into the crack and fill it completely.
  3. Curing: Cure the resin using UV light. This causes the resin to harden and bond to the glass, effectively sealing the crack.
  4. Polishing: After curing, polish the area to remove any excess resin and ensure a clear and smooth finish.

The cost of repairing a windshield crack with resin can vary depending on the location, the size of the crack, and the technician performing the repair. On average, the cost can range from $50 to $150. It’s always best to get a quote from a few different companies before deciding on a repair shop.

It’s also important to note that sometimes the internal crack may be too large or too severe to be repaired with resin. In this case, the entire windshield may need to be replaced, which can be more expensive.

Replacement of the windshield

In some cases, the internal crack is too large or severe to be repaired with resin. The entire windshield may need to be replaced in this case.


This method is used to repair cracks on the windshield’s surface. To bond the film to the glass, a thin film is applied over the crack and heated. This will effectively seal the crack and keep it from spreading further.

The following steps are typically involved in the process:

  1. Cleaning: To ensure that the film bonds properly to the glass, clean the area around the crack.
  2. Applying the film: Apply a thin film over the crack, making sure that it completely covers it. The film is constructed from a clear, flexible material that can be heated and bonded to the glass.
  3. Heating: Use a specialized tool, such as a heat gun, to heat the film. As a result, the film bonds to the glass and seals the crack.
  4. Polishing: After the area has been heated, polish it to remove any excess film and ensure a clear and smooth finish.

It is important to note that these methods are not always completely effective, and the repair may have an impact on visibility. Furthermore, if the crack is in the driver’s line of sight, the windshield must be replaced. It is always preferable to have the repair done by a professional to ensure that the work is done correctly and that the occupants of the vehicle are safe.

Is there any way to prevent windshield cracks?

Prevention is always better than repairing damages spending a lot of money and effort. So there are several things you can do to avoid windshield cracks:

Avoid drastic temperature changes

Avoid drastic temperature changes by parking in a shaded area or using a windshield sunshade to reduce the amount of direct sunlight hitting your windshield. When the interior of your car is extremely hot or cold, avoid using the air conditioning or heater, as this can cause the windshield to expand and contract, resulting in cracks.

Avoid impact

When driving, be aware of your surroundings and try to avoid hitting objects on the road, such as rocks or debris.

Maintain your vehicle’s windshield wipers and washer fluid

Check and maintain your vehicle’s windshield wipers and washer fluid, as well as the condition of the windshield itself, on a regular basis to ensure that it is in good condition and less prone to cracking.

Maintain a safe distance

When driving behind large vehicles like trucks or buses, try to maintain a safe distance to avoid debris that may fly off from them.

Repair it as soon as possible

If you notice a crack in your windshield, you should have it repaired as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely the crack will spread, making repair more difficult.

It is important to note that even with the best preventive measures, windshield cracks are not always avoidable. It is critical to address any cracks as soon as they are discovered in order to prevent them from spreading and compromising the structural integrity of the windshield.

Windshield Crack Repair – Inside Surface of Glass

Windshield Crack Repair – Inside Surface of Glass

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